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People interested in running a solver to participate in CoW Protocol mainly want to focus on implementing the most efficient solver engine. However, there are also many mundane tasks that may not seem like a competitive advantage but have to be done regardless.


The driver is a plug-and-play component that teams can run to take care of mundane tasks until it makes sense for them to actually focus on optimizing them. From the perspective of the protocol a solver engine together with its driver are considered a solver.


The open-source Rust implementation can be found in the driver crate. It has a few CLI parameters which can be displayed using --help but is mainly configured using a single .toml file. A documented example file can be found here.

The driver sits between the autopilot and a solver engine and acts as a intermediary between the two. In case you decide to run the driver for a solver engine the lifecycle of an auction looks like this.

Splitting the driver from the solver engine is just a design decision to keep the barrier of entry for new solvers low. However, there is nothing preventing you from patching, forking or reimplementing the driver. You can even merge the responsibilities of the driver and solver engine into one if you want to build the most optimal solver possible; the only hard requirement is that the component the autopilot interfaces with implements this interface.


Preprocessing auctions

The auctions sent to the driver by the autopilot only contain the bare minimum of information needed. But usually a solver engine requires more information than that so the driver pre-processes the auction before forwarding it to the solver engine. We also want to reduce the overall workload of a solver engine, since it's usually expensive to match an order (in terms of time, RPC requests, API calls, etc.). That process includes:

  • fetching additional metadata (e.g. token decimals)
  • discarding orders that can definitely not be settled (e.g. user is missing balances)
  • very basic prioritization of remaining orders (e.g. orders below or close to the market price are most likely to settle)

Fetching liquidity

Unless you find a perfect CoW you'll need some sort of liquidity to settle an order with. To get your solver started with a good set of base liquidity the driver is able to index and encode a broad range of fundamental AMMs. These include UniswapV2 and its derivatives, UniswapV3 as well as several liquidity sources from the BalancerV2 family. All of these can be individually configured or completely disabled if your solver engine manages liquidity on its own.

Postprocessing solutions

The driver expects the solver engine to return a recipe on how to solve a set of orders but the recipe itself could not be submitted on-chain. In the post-processing step the driver applies multiple sanity checks to the solution, encodes it into a transaction that can be executed on-chain and verifies that it actually simulates successfully before it considers the solution valid. All this is done because solvers can get slashed for misbehaving so the reference driver checks all it can to reduce the risk of running a solver as much as possible.

Since the solver engine is allowed to propose multiple solutions the driver also contains some logic to pick the best one. First it will try to merge disjoint solutions to create bigger and more gas efficient batches. Afterwards it will simulate the solutions to get an accurate gas usage for them which is used to compute a score for each one. Finally the driver will propose only the highest scoring solution to the autopilot to maximize the solver's chance of winning the auction.

Submitting settlements

If a solver provided the best solution the autopilot will tell the driver to actually submit it on-chain. This is not as straight forward as it sounds when the blockchain is congested and liquidity sources are volatile. To protect the solver from losing ETH by submitting solutions that revert the driver continuously verifies that the solution still works while it submits it on-chain. As soon as it would revert the driver cancels the transaction to cut the losses to a minimum.

The driver can be configured to use different submission strategies which it dynamically choses based on the potential of MEV for a settlement. If the settlement does not expose any MEV (e.g. it executes all trades without AMMs) it's safe and most efficient to directly submit to the public mempool. However, if a settlement exposes MEV the driver would submit to an MEV-protected RPC like MEVBlocker.


As you can see the driver has many responsibilities and discussing all of them in detail would be beyond the scope of this documentation but it's worth mentioning one guiding principle that applies to most of them: make the driver do as little work as possible in the hot path when processing an auction.

Because having more time for the solver to compute a solution leads to a more competitive solver every process in the driver should introduce as little latency as possible. Also the blockchain is obviously the single source of truth for a lot of the state in the driver and fetching state from the network can be quite slow.

To reconcile these aspects many internal components listen for new blocks getting appended to the blockchain. Whenever that happens the driver fetches all the relevant information and caches it. When the next auction comes in and the driver actually needs that data it's already up-to-date and ready to be used.


The driver only responds to incoming requests sent by the autopilot. You can easily set this up locally yourself but for a driver to participate in the competition in CoW Protocol the accompanying solver has to be bonded and registered in the CoW Protocol off-chain infrastructure. For this, please reach out via the CoW Discord.