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MEV Blocker is the #1 leading MEV-protection RPC solution by transaction volume and rebates. A product developed and stewarded by CoW DAO, Beaver Builder and Gnosis DAO.

MEV Blocker is built to:

  • Protect users from frontrunning & sandwich attacks
  • Give users a rebate from backrunning opportunities created by the their trades
  • Provide fast trade settlement

The Best Protection Under the Sun

MEV Blocker's order flow auction protects user transactions from frontrunning and sandwich attacks — the worst types of MEV — by sending transactions to a private mempool of trusted searchers. These searchers then capture any backrunning opportunities left by user transactions and give up to 90% of their value back to the users.

MEV Blocker Offers Important Advantages to Users

  • MEV Protection: Transactions sent to the public mempool are subject to all sorts of MEV attacks including frontrunning and sandwich attacks. MEV bots are responsible for millions of dollars of value lost each week. By using MEV Blocker's private pool, all transactions are de-facto protected from harmful MEV.

  • MEV Rebates: Searchers connected to MEV Blocker bid for the right to backrun user transactions using "append-only" bundles. 90% of these bids are paid as a rebate to the transaction originator (the user). The remaining 10% incentivizes builders and validators to quickly include the bundle in the remaining PBS auction. Rebates are a great way to ensure no value leaks through the supply chain and users re-capture value they left on the table. These rebates can also be an extremely powerful way for wallets or dApp solvers to capture value and generate extra revenue. If you are interested in learning the mechanics behind the MEV Blocker rebates, check out the MEV Blocker order flow auction explainer page.

  • Faster Inclusion Than Traditional RPCs: Instead of waiting on the public Ethereum mempool, transactions sent through MEV Blocker get forwarded directly to all major builders, resulting in a faster inclusion rate.

  • Multiple Endpoints: MEV Blocker offers five different RPC endpoints that users can choose from based on their individual needs.


  • Transparency: A Dune Dashboard allows anyone to check the transactions submitted through the MEV Blocker RPC. Users can follow their transactions in detail, see all searcher bids, and calculate the overall revenue they have received from MEV Blocker rebates.

MEV Blocker Beats the Competition

  • Low Latency and Fast Inclusion Time: With a strong builder network, MEV Blocker acts as a builder aggregator that forwards transactions directly to all major builders. Over 90% of transactions are processed in the next block, typically within 12 seconds.

  • Superior Rebates: Thanks to its robust searcher competition, MEV Blocker has been able to generate more than 10x the backrunning rebates of any other RPC solution — which is great news for users.

  • Simple and Free to Integrate: MEV Blocker is built by experts to be user-friendly, easy to set up, and free for users to integrate.

Growing List of Partners

Wallets that have integrated MEV Blocker include Uniswap Wallet, Rabby Wallet, Defi Wallet, Ambire Wallet, Keepkey Wallet.

MEV Blocker is trusted by more than 30 prominent Ethereum projects including Balancer, Safe, ShapeShift, Paraswap, VirtuSwap, Karpatkey, Swarm, Castle, Aura,, Eigenphi, and many more.

Supported Chains

Ethereum: All features are supported on Ethereum.