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Use cases

MEV Blocker is your personal protection from frontrunning and sandwich attacks for a broad spectrum of Ethereum transactions and use cases. Here are some examples where MEV Blocker might work at its finest.

Intent Based DEXs

Intent-based DEXs, such as the CoW Protocol, utilize an off-chain competition among solvers to secure better settlement prices for their users. These solvers, tasked with identifying the most efficient transaction paths, are responsible for submitting transactions on-chain on the user's behalf.

MEV Blocker serves as a critical tool for safeguarding these transactions from manipulation by MEV bots. By integrating MEV Blocker, solvers can ensure their transactions are protected from being frontrun or sandwiched, while also benefiting from additional assurances such as no reverts. Moreover, they can capture up to 90% of the backrun value their transactions might generate, thereby creating an alternative revenue stream beyond the solver competition.

Oracle Extractable Value

Oracle Extractable Value (OEV) pertains to the profit opportunities arising whenever an Oracle updates its data feed on the blockchain via the public mempool.

With MEV Blocker, Oracles can sidestep the public mempool, directing data feed updates to a private mempool where competitors vie to arbitrage the forecasted state changes. This approach allows Oracles to retain up to 90% of the value generated by the update, in contrast to the public mempool model where this value is typically captured by MEV bots and validators.

Transaction Relayers

Transaction relayers, such as Gelato, enable projects and users to bypass the complexities of on-chain transaction submission and gas management. These relayers facilitate transaction submissions on behalf of the projects and users according to predetermined preferences.

Through MEV Blocker, Transaction Relayers can assure their clients of MEV-free transactions, additionally redistributing a portion of the value in cases where the transactions present backrun opportunities.

Account Abstraction (Bundlers)

In a manner akin to Transaction Relayers, wallets that implement Account Abstraction utilize bundlers to process their users' transactions. These bundlers play a pivotal role in the on-chain submission of transactions.

Utilizing MEV Blocker, Bundlers can provide their users with MEV-free transactions, further passing on value for transactions that offer backrun potential.


Projects launching new NFTs accessible via public mint can offer their users a fairer and more equitable minting experience by encouraging the use of MEV Blocker as their RPC provider.

By adopting MEV Blocker, all participants in the public mint are ensured an equitable opportunity to acquire their desired NFTs without engaging in gas wars or falling victim to theft by MEV Bots.