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ComposableCoW is a framework for smoothing the developer experience when building conditional orders on CoW Protocol. Conditional orders are a subset of ERC-1271 smart contract orders. It allows one to create conditional orders that:

  1. Can be used to generate multiple discrete order (self-expressing)
  2. Assess a proposed order against a set of conditions (self-validating)

The framework makes boilerplate code for conditional orders a thing of the past, and allows developers to focus on the business logic of their order. ComposableCoW handles:

  1. Authorization (multiple owners, with multiple orders per owner)
  2. Order relaying (watch-towers)


The following principles have been employed in the architectural design:

  1. O(1) gas-efficiency for n conditional order creation / replacement / deletion
  2. Conditional orders SHOULD behave the same as a discrete order for EOAs (self-custody of assets, i.e. "wrapper" contracts not required)
  3. Conditional orders SHOULD be optimized towards statelessness - pass required data via calldata
  4. MAY enhance the Safe user experience when paired with ExtensibleFallbackHandler 🐮🔒

By using Merkle Trees, the gas efficiency of O(1) is achieved for n conditional orders. This is achieved by storing the Merkle Tree root on-chain, and passing the Merkle Tree proof to the ComposableCoW contract. This allows for O(1) gas efficiency for adding / removing conditional orders.

For simplicity, single orders are also supported, however, this is NOT recommended for large n as the gas efficiency is O(n).

Execution context

As there are many nested contracts, it's important for a callee to know some context from the caller. To achieve this, ComposableCoW passes a bytes32 variable ctx to the callee, such that:

ctx = merkle root of orders: bytes32(0)
single order: H(ConditionalOrderParams)

Having this context also allows for conditional orders / merkle roots to use this as a key in a mapping, to store conditional order-specific data.

Conditional order verification flow

The following flowchart illustrates the conditional order verification flow (assuming safe):

Settlement execution path

CoW Protocol order settlement execution path (assuming safe):

Signature verification

ComposableCoW implements ISafeSignatureVerifier, which allows for delegated ERC-1271 signature validation with an enhanced context:

function isValidSafeSignature(
Safe safe,
address sender,
bytes32 _hash,
bytes32 domainSeparator,
bytes32, // typeHash
bytes calldata encodeData,
bytes calldata payload
) external view override returns (bytes4 magic);
safeContract that is delegating signing
sendermsg.sender that called isValidSignature on safe
_hashOrder digest
domainSeparatorSee EIP-712
typeHashNot used
encodeDataABI-encoded GPv2Order.Data (per EIP-712) to be settled
encodeDataABI-encoded GPv2Order.Data to be settled

In order to delegate signature verification to ComposableCoW, the delegating contract may either:

  1. Be a Safe and use ExtensibleFallbackHandler that allows for EIP-712 domain delegation to a custom contract (i.e. ComposableCoW); or
  2. Implement ERC-1271 and within the isValidSignature method, call ComposableCoW.isValidSafeSignature().

ComposableCoW can also be used with contracts other than Safe. The ERC1271Forwarder abstract contract has been provided to allow for new contracts to easily integrate with ComposableCoW.


If using ExtensibleFallbackHandler, and the CoW Protocol settlement domain is delegated to ComposableCoW, ALL ERC-1271 signatures will be processed by ComposableCoW.

Discrete order verifiers

A conditional order that verifies a proposed discrete order against a set of conditions shall implement the IConditionalOrder interface.

function verify(
address owner,
address sender,
bytes32 _hash,
bytes32 domainSeparator,
bytes32 ctx,
bytes calldata staticInput,
bytes calldata offchainInput
GPv2Order.Data calldata order,
) external view;
ownerThe owner of the conditional order
sendermsg.sender context calling isValidSignature
_hashEIP-712 order digest
domainSeparatorEIP-712 domain separator
ctxExecution context
staticInputConditional order type-specific data known at time of creation for all discrete orders
offchainInputConditional order type-specific data NOT known at time of creation for a specific discrete order (or zero-length bytes if not applicable)
orderThe proposed discrete order's GPv2Order.Data struct

Order implementations MUST validate / verify offchainInput!


The verify method MUST revert with OrderNotValid(string) if the parameters in staticInput do not correspond to a valid order.


ComposableCoW is responsible for checking that all values EXCLUDING offchainInput belong to an order that was previously registered on-chain.

Discrete order generators

A conditional order that generates discrete orders shall implement the IConditionalOrderGenerator interface.

function getTradeableOrder(
address owner,
address sender,
bytes32 ctx,
bytes calldata staticInput,
bytes calldata offchainInput
) external view returns (GPv2Order.Data memory);

To simplify the developer experience, a BaseConditionalOrder contract has been provided that implements the IConditionalOrderGenerator interface, and necessary boilerplate.

Swap guards

A swap guard is a contract that implements the ISwapGuard interface, and if set by an owner, will be called by ComposableCoW prior to calling verify on the conditional order.

This allows for owner-wide restrictions on the conditional order, such as:

The ISwapGuard interface is as follows:

function verify(
GPv2Order.Data calldata order,
bytes32 ctx,
IConditionalOrder.ConditionalOrderParams calldata params,
bytes calldata offchainInput
) external view returns (bool);
orderProposed discrete order
ctxExecution context
offchainInputConditional order type-specific data NOT known at time of creation for a specific discrete order (or zero-length bytes if not applicable)

Guarantees and Invariants

  • CoW Protocol's settlement contract enforces single-use orders, i.e. NO GPv2Order can be filled more than once
  • For merkle trees, H(ConditionalOrderParams) MUST be a member of the merkle tree roots[owner]
  • For single orders, singleOrders[owner][H(ConditionalOrderParams)] == true

While a discrete order can be filled only once on CoW Protocol, a single conditional order can be used to create many different discrete orders. It is the responsibility of the implementation to limit which and when discrete orders can be executed.

Data Types and Storage


A conditional order is defined by the following data:

struct ConditionalOrderParams {
IConditionalOrder handler;
bytes32 salt;
bytes staticData;
handlerThe contract implementing the conditional order logic
saltAllows for multiple conditional orders of the same type and data
staticDataData available to ALL discrete orders created by the conditional order

All of the above fields are verified by ComposableCoW to be valid, prior to calling the verify method on the handler (IConditionalOrder).


When used with Merkle Trees and a cryptographically-secure random salt, the conditional order is effectively private (until a discrete order cut from this conditional order is broadcast to the CoW Protocol API).

  • H(ConditionalOrderParams) MUST be unique
  • Not setting salt to a cryptographically-secure random value MAY result in leaking information or hash collisions
  • Single orders MAY leak order information on creation


This is the data passed to ComposableCoW via the payload parameter of isValidSafeSignature:

struct PayloadStruct {
bytes32[] proof;
IConditionalOrder.ConditionalOrderParams params;
bytes offchainInput;
proofMerkle Tree proof (if applicable, zero length otherwise)
offchainInputOff-chain input (if applicable, zero length otherwise)

By setting proof to zero-length, this indicates to ComposableCoW that the order is a single order, and not part of a Merkle Tree.


Some services pick up new conditional orders automatically from on-chain events.

The proof data can be emitted on-chain, but it can also be retrieved from other supported on-chain services.

The location field signals where this data can be retrieved.

struct Proof {
uint256 location;
bytes data;

The Proof.location is intentionally not made an enum to allow for future extensibility as other proof locations may be integrated.

locationAn integer representing the location where to find the proofs
datalocation implementation specific data for retrieving the proofs


LOG1abi.encode(bytes[] order) where order = abi.encode(bytes32[] proof, ConditionalOrderParams params)
SWARM2abi.encode(bytes32 swarmCac)
WAKU3abi.encode(string protobufUri, string[] enrTreeOrMultiaddr, string contentTopic, bytes payload)
IPFS5abi.encode(bytes32 ipfsCid)

Locations above are for the point of defining a standard. The provided watch-tower currently does not support Merkle Tree proofs for orders.

JSON schema for proofs

It is expected that the proofs retrieved, excluding PRIVATE and LOG conform to a JSON schema:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"proof": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"params": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"handler": {
"type": "string"
"salt": {
"type": "string"
"staticData": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"offchainInput": {
"type": "string"
"description": {
"type": "string"
"required": [


Using an owner as a key, the roots mapping stores the Merkle Tree root for the conditional orders of that owner.

mapping(address => bytes32) public roots;


Using owner, ctx as a key, the singleOrders mapping stores the single orders for the conditional orders of that owner.

mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => bool)) public singleOrders;


Using owner, ctx as a key, the cabinet mapping stores the conditional order-specific data for the conditional orders of that owner.

mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => bytes32)) public cabinet;


Using owner as a key, the swapGuards mapping stores the swap guards for the conditional orders of that owner.

mapping(address => ISwapGuard) public swapGuards;


For users

setRoot / setRootWithContext

A safe or owner calls the respective setter method to set the Merkle Tree root for their conditional orders:

function setRoot(bytes32 root, Proof calldata proof) public;
function setRootWithContext(
bytes32 root,
Proof calldata proof,
IValueFactory factory,
bytes calldata data
) external;
rootMerkle Tree root of conditional orders
factoryAn IValueFactory that will be used to populate the ctx storage slot (if applicable)
dataData to be passed to the factory to populate the ctx storage slot (if applicable)

When a new merkle root is set, emits MerkleRootSet(address indexed owner, bytes32 root, Proof proof).


ComposableCoW will NOT verify the proof data passed in via the proof parameter for setRoot. It is the responsibility of the client and watch-tower to verify / validate this.

create / createWithContext

The owner calls the respective setter method to create a conditional order:

function create(
IConditionalOrder.ConditionalOrderParams calldata params,
bool dispatch
) public;
function createWithContext(
IConditionalOrder.ConditionalOrderParams calldata params,
IValueFactory factory,
bytes calldata data,
bool dispatch
) external;
factoryAn IValueFactory that will be used to populate the ctx storage slot (if applicable)
dataData to be passed to the factory to populate the ctx storage slot (if applicable)
dispatchIf true, broadcast the ConditionalOrderCreated event


The owner calls the remove(bytes32 singleOrderHash) method to remove a conditional order:

function remove(bytes32 singleOrderHash) external;


The owner calls the setSwapGuard(ISwapGuard guard) method to set a swap guard for a conditional order:

function setSwapGuard(ISwapGuard swapGuard) external;
swapGuardThe swap guard contract

For watch-towers


A watch-tower calls the getTradeableOrderWithSignature method to get a discrete order that is tradeable on CoW Protocol:

function getTradeableOrderWithSignature(
address owner,
IConditionalOrder.ConditionalOrderParams calldata params,
bytes calldata offchainInput,
bytes32[] calldata proof
) external view returns (GPv2Order.Data memory order, bytes memory signature);

This function will:

  1. Determine if owner is a safe, and provide the SignatureVerifierMuxer appropriate formatting for the ERC-1271 signature submission to CoW Protocol.
  2. If not a safe, format the ERC-1271 signature according to abi.encode(domainSeparator, staticData, offchainData).

Subsequently, ComposableCoW will:

  1. Check that the order is authorized.
  2. Check that the order type supports discrete order generation (i.e. IConditionalOrderGenerator) by using IERC165 (and revert if not, allowing the watch-tower to prune invalid monitored conditional orders).
  3. Call getTradeableOrder on the handler to get the discrete order (GPv2Order.Data).
  4. Generate the signing data as above.


  • ConditionalOrderCreated(address indexed owner, ConditionalOrderParams params)
  • MerkleRootSet(address index owner, bytes32 root, Proof proof)

Custom error codes

  • ProofNotAuthed() - the proof is not authorized (merkle root incorrect)
  • SingleOrderNotAuthed() - the single order is not authorized
  • SwapGuardRestricted() - the swap guard did not pass verification
  • InvalidHandler() - the handler is not a valid conditional order
  • InvalidFallbackHandler() - the fallback handler is not a valid conditional order
  • InterfaceNotSupported() - the handler does not support the IConditionalOrder interface
Keep your orders watched

A conditional order developer SHOULD use these error codes to ensure that the conditional order is well-formed and not garbage collected / rate limited by a watch-tower.

  • OrderNotValid(string) - the staticInput parameters are not valid for the conditional order
  • PollTryNextBlock(string) - signal to a watch-tower that polling should be attempted again
  • PollTryAtBlock(uint256 blockNumber, string) - signal to a watch-tower that polling should be attempted again at a specific block number
  • PollTryAtEpoch(uint256 timestamp, string) - signal to a watch-tower that polling should be attempted again at a specific epoch (unix timestamp)
  • PollNever(string) - signal to a watch-tower that the conditional order should not be polled again (delete)



As these orders are not automatically indexed by the CoW Protocol, there needs to be some method of relaying them to the Order Book API for inclusion in a batch.

This is the responsibility of a watch-tower. CoW Protocol runs a watch-tower that will monitor the ConditionalOrderCreated event, and relay the discrete orders to the Order Book API.

There is also a DAppNode package for running a watch-tower.